
Happy Mother's Day

A Celebration Poem In Honor of All Mothers


Love and Mother,
Equal each other...

Love is an unselfish feeling,

That Mothers know simply by being...

Love is tenderness and gentle passion,

After which Mothers teach us our lives to fashion...

Love is calmness in an emergency,

Mother's give Love unconditionally...

Love transcends personal ego,

As a Mothers kind words so often bestow...

Love ripples in all directions,

Mothers radiate it through their pure affections...

Love forever is the universal cure,

And Mothers give it in a way so pure...

Love in the Bible is called charity,

Mothers distribute their Love with perfect clarity...

Love and angels are one in the same,

Mothers are our earthly angels we thankfully claim...

Love strengthens when we freely share,

Mothers for everyone and everything always care...

Love springs forth freely from nature,

Mothers make sure Love is shared with every creature...

Love means always being a true friend,

Mothers cherish all their relationships right to the end...

Love is born from God up above,

It hovers around Mothers like a white dove...

Love is the universe's strongest sensation,

God shared it with Mothers through the gift of creation...

That is why...

Love and Mother,
Equal each other...


Sweet Mother's Day Thoughts
through Pretty Pictures

The Story of Mother's Day
Read the history behind the day
